Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Christmas Tree Cutting

Keenan was a little nervous about Smokey the Bear this year

It was a beautiful day

They found the perfect tree

Keenan wanted to help Daddy

Daddy finished the job in record time

Emmit wanted to stay and nap

Working on the decorations

"all by myself"

admiring the tree

Monday, November 22, 2010

Getting Ready for Baby

Keenan and Mommy trying out the Birth Tub

Pretty comfortable, even on its side

Sena, checking on the baby

The birth team, ready for baby

Our home visit with our midwives was Saturday. They come to make sure we have all our supplies and are ready for the home birth. Keenan loves the birth tub and thinks it is his personnal bouncy house. Cary loves the cup holder in the birth tub and is envisioning drinking beer while I labor away. We'll see how that works out for him!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Keenan's Giant Pumpkin

Drawing faces is much more fun than scooping out goop

Daddy cleaning out the pumpkin

"Candy is good for my lips mommy"

Oliver the dragon and Keenan the lion at a local trick or treat street

Cary & our neighbors ready for the Halloween Cyclocross race

The bee in action!