Tuesday, April 21, 2009

New to us

Waving goodbye to Daddy in the morning

Cary's 'new to us' dream car (well the family version of his dream car, I know he wanted a saab, I don't think he was dreaming of a sedan :))

Cary's new baby, ready for it's first commute

Keenan's first scab, from a header into the gutter, he wanted a really close look at the water flowing in it after a rain storm.

Drafting table or jungle gym? you decide.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Easter Picnic Dinner

An Easter present for our "ball" obsessed boy

New bunny 'silkie' for the growing collection

Keenan loves his new Bunny Easter Basket, thanks Grandma

Everyone's Favorite Jew Jimmy!

Keenan has four teeth trying to come in at once, this makes for tired parents and a cranky baby. We are hoping for a loooooooooong break after these. Otherwise watch out for packages marked perishable on your porch.

In spite of ourselves we had a fun Easter. Keenan discovered his Easter basket while Cary was sleeping and I was in the other room. All I heard was "Ohhhhhhhh!". Needless to say I think he enjoyed the surprise.

We went to breakfast at Watercourse that morning, our favorite veggie restaurant, for those of you who we have not dragged there for banana bread french toast! Then rounded out the day with a picnic dinner. Because the weather was pretty darn drizzly, we picnicked inside.

We also learned about passover from our favorite Jew Jimmy! Who is always willing to join us on Jewish holidays.

Hope you had a great weekend!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Washington D.C.


"WOW" is all Keenan could utter as he took one, two, three, four, five, six, seven... is the plane here yet, trips on the people mover. His favorite style was walking on it backwards like a treadmill. Needless to say he slept the next leg of our journey. (and yes, I am wearing slippers, discovered that about half way to the airport)

Cherry Blossom Festival on the Mall

It was so windy, we had to put Keenan's rain shield on for protection. WWII memorial.

Keenan could not understand why he could not go swimming! We left that memorial screaming.

Cary and Poppy looking out from the Lincoln Memorial

Did we mention blossoms, fantastic!

A photo of us, without the baby, might be the first in over a year! All dressed up after Scott and Courtney's wedding.

Finally a photo of those elusive two front teeth.

Keenan and Daddy asleep at the Whitehouse. Maybe if Obama had been home, it would have been more exciting! My favorite part was the bee keepers, look at the center on the right side. Those are the Whitehouse bee keepers, how cool is that!

Keenan's favorite activity of the trip, stairs or 'steps' as he calls them. Here he is on the red velvet steps of the Renwick American Craft Smithsonian.

We were in Washington DC Friday - Monday for a wedding and were joined by Lolo and Poppy and briefly by Uncle Bryan Sunday at the National Zoo.

We all had a fabulous time. Cary and I enjoyed two, you read that correctly two nights out without Keenan in a row, thanks to Lolo and Poppy. Keenan enjoyed hours and hours of Lolo and Poppy time. He is just not himself today without these adoring grandparents. We all enjoyed the sites of the city.

Everyone's highlights:

Cary: Julie showered, hair done, makeup and in a dress. Seeing Ki Ki with his parents
Keenan: The Washington Hilton Escalator! Over and over again thanks to Poppy
Julie: The White house Bee Keepers and a king size bed
LoLo: The zoo with Keenan, I'm not sure who enjoyed it more
Poppy: Keenan's excited pose, it's a whole body affair and the Escalator!
Uncle Bry: Doing Crazy Uncle things, Keenan's parents don't approve of