Lolo came to Denver for 3 weeks! We were all spoiled silly!

Keenan took up horseback riding

Aunt Leigh Annie and Uncle Chris came to visit

We went to Richmond to see Lolo, Poppy & Uncle Brydie

Lolo had Thomas balls and friendly cats!

Glow sticks were very popular

As was driving the boat

Dinners out were a treat
Julie & Cary went to NYC while Keenan stayed at Camp L&P
Cary at the US Open, courtside for the Brian Brothers

Bryan flew up for a little tennis action

They endured shopping in SoHo with Julie

Then as soon as we got home, Grandma and Papa came to visit!
We are not sure the fall will be able to compare to the summer's adventuring. Luckily getting ready for the new baby will keep up busy!