Easter Picnic Dinner

An Easter present for our "ball" obsessed boy

New bunny 'silkie' for the growing collection

Keenan loves his new Bunny Easter Basket, thanks Grandma

Everyone's Favorite Jew Jimmy!
Keenan has four teeth trying to come in at once, this makes for tired parents and a cranky baby. We are hoping for a loooooooooong break after these. Otherwise watch out for packages marked perishable on your porch.
In spite of ourselves we had a fun Easter. Keenan discovered his Easter basket while Cary was sleeping and I was in the other room. All I heard was "Ohhhhhhhh!". Needless to say I think he enjoyed the surprise.
We went to breakfast at Watercourse that morning, our favorite veggie restaurant, for those of you who we have not dragged there for banana bread french toast! Then rounded out the day with a picnic dinner. Because the weather was pretty darn drizzly, we picnicked inside.
We also learned about passover from our favorite Jew Jimmy! Who is always willing to join us on Jewish holidays.
Hope you had a great weekend!